So sad to hear about the people that died in that heat dome. 600 is an unfathomable number...

“once in a decade” events are like the so-called 'unprecedented' events that keep being precedented lol

The shattered glass in the desert image was pretty cool and honestly the concept of OOO for climate reasons is so new to me but totally makes sense once explained. Thank you for sharing your template - I hope I don't have to use it at all this year lol

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Right? I am so untrusting of unprecedented events and believing it won’t happen for another decade 😂

I feel like much of the world these days is just pick your natural disaster. 😭

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This is so dystopian of me but that sounds like a board game or card game lol 'oh no, tsunami washed the town away... go back 5 spaces' or 'climate change funding came through, collect $500'

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